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Table 3 Inclusion & Exclusion criteria for entry to BIS Phase II RCT

From: The feasibility of a single-blinded fast-track pragmatic randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention for breathlessness in advanced disease

Inclusion criteria



i) Appropriate referral to the BIS


ii) Diagnosis of COPD/COAD


iii) Aged 18 years or over


iv) Any patient who does not meet any of the exclusion criteria


i) The informal carers of patients specified above, who can be significant others, relatives, friends or neighbours


ii) Aged 18 years or over


iii) Any carer who does not meet the exclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria



i) Any patient/carer unable to give informed consent


ii) Any patient living outside of Cambridgeshire PCT, West Essex PCT, East & North Hertfordshire PCT, or Suffolk PCT


iii) Any patient who has previously had access to BIS


iv) Any patient/carer who is demented or confused


v) Any patient/carer with learning difficulties


vi) Any patient/carer from other vulnerable groups (e.g. head injury, severe trauma, and mental illness)