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Table 5 Top 10 ranked items for inclusion in the CAT following Phase 3 expert panel (n = 10)

From: Development of the Carers’ Alert Thermometer (CAT) to identify family carers struggling with caring for someone dying at home: a mixed method consensus study

Domain theme



Mean ranking* (SD)

D1: Understanding the current caring situation

…if the carer understands the expected progress of the condition of the person they are caring for?


2.88 (2.64)

D2: Current care provided by the carer

… if the carer feels able to support the psychological/emotional needs of the person they care for?


3.25 (3.86)

D3: Carer’s relationship with professionals

… if the carer feels that professionals involve them in decision making by seeking their knowledge and expertise about the care needed by the person they care for?


3.88 (1.55)

D4: Respite and emergency care needs

… if the carer would like support with a break from caring such as using a sitting service in their home for a few hours or to use respite care for a longer break? (if services available)


4.00 (2.12)

D3: Carer’s relationship with professionals

… if the carer feels they are receiving the support they need from professionals at the time they need it?


4.13 (2.17)

D2: Current care provided by the carer

… if the carer has a named person or number to call in an emergency or with any concerns about the person they care for?


4.50 (2.98)

D1: Understanding the current caring situation

… if the carer has responsibility for making decisions about the care of the person they care for, due to their condition or mental capacity?


5.20 (3.27)

D5: Financial support and assessments

… if the carer knows of and has applied for all appropriate funding, such as benefits, mobility schemes?


5.86 (1.86)

D7: Support for the carer

… if the carer feels they are currently receiving enough support?


6.00 (3.35)

D6: The carer’s health and well-being

… if the carer is able to balance their own health needs with the demands of caring?


6.11 (3.41)

  1. *Items were ranked from ‘1’ as the highest ranked item so the items ranked highest have the lowest mean.