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Table 1 PUBMED search terms and chain

From: Integrated palliative care in the Spanish context: a systematic review of the literature

(Spain[MeSH Terms]) AND (((hospices OR supportive care OR supportive care OR end of life care OR palliative OR palliative care [MeSH Terms] OR hospice* OR terminal care OR coordinated care OR integrated care OR transmural care OR progressive patient care) AND (“end stage disease” OR end stage disease* OR dying OR death [MeSH Terms] OR Chronic disease [MeSH Terms] OR Chronic disease* OR terminally ill* OR terminally ill [MeSH Terms] OR cancer) AND (care pathway* OR care pathway OR pathway* OR patient transfer* OR patient transfer OR patient care team OR managed care program* OR continuity of patient care OR patient care management OR patient care plan* OR patient care planning OR illness trajectory OR “advanced care planning” OR advanced care planning OR delivery of health care OR models of care OR model of care OR model organizational OR models organizational OR organizational model* OR guideline*) NOT ((birth) OR child) OR pediatrics)) NOT ((animals[mh] NOT humans[mh])))