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Table 4 Facilitators and Enablers of Success in Developing a Regional Hospice Palliative Care Program

From: Implementing the first regional hospice palliative care program in Ontario: the Champlain region as a case study

▪ A history in the region of attempts at initiating a regional program;

▪ A funded full-time coordinator;

▪ Support from the Local Health Integration Network’s (LHIN’s) CEO and Board of Governors;

▪ Starting the process using an Appreciative Inquiry approach;

▪ Early commitment by most stakeholders;

▪ Maintaining and sustaining momentum throughout the process;

▪ Co-chairing of the process by two co-chairs ;

▪ Significant community and stakeholder engagement;

▪ Exemplars in the region of other regional programs, specifically Stroke and Geriatrics-Care of the Elderly;

▪ Use of a “Change Management” approach;

▪ Creation of a common vision early in the process;

▪ Flexibility to adapt and modify the emerging plan and process; and

▪ Establishment of a competency-based Board, instead of one that represents specific service providers, settings and sites of care.