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Table 2 Examples of the analysing process

From: The responsibility to quench thirst by providing drinks when a relative is dying spouses’ experience in specialist palliative home care

Interview excerpts (interview number, side number and line number)

Generating initial codes of relevance to the research question

Generating subthemes

Defining and naming themes

Questioning and reflection process from co-authors

Themes of meaning

Subtheme and main theme

We calculated that there are thirty-four different tablets to be taken every day. In addition, these should be swallowed with water so I do not think she experiences thirst; it is not something we have talked about anyway. 6:3:50-54.

Due to a large amount of medication and associated drinking to swallow them, the spouse do not think that his wife is thirsty.

Beliefs and knowledge of thirst.

Knowledge of thirst

This seems not to cover the whole theme, since it is not only about assessing thirst but also about reasoning on if they could have thirst (e.g. with the drinking for medication). They made an assumption, but did not assess it.

This is not assessment but an assumption.

Subtheme: Assumptions about thirst.

Main theme: Knowledge and views of thirst.

Although he says he drinks often but, but I do not know, it is me who goes there with the drink, like this. He gets angry when I say that he not drunk more than that ...”Oh, you keep track of that too”, he says. 2:8:158-160.

The spouse tells about a conflict between her and her husband. The husband feels controlled by her constant monitoring of his fluid intake.

Conflicts about not drinking enough and her checking.

Controlling and exhorting leads to conflicts.

To 'nag' has a negative connotation. Perhaps 'to urge', or 'to exhort' are better alternatives?

Subtheme: Controlling and exhorting leads to conflicts

Main theme: Control of fluid intake provides vital information

It is clear that if he does not feel thirsty, then I think he is about to shut down. That is how it is. 3:9:176-177.

If he is not thirsty, he will soon die.

If you do not drink, you die of thirst.

Responsibility for drinking


Sub theme: If you do not drink, you die of thirst

Main theme: Being responsible for their drinking is a responsibility for life and death

The difference is well when you are lying down and cannot take that drinkable if you are thirsty then. That day, I will probably be close by. 15:20:451-454.

The day when her husband will become bedridden and in need of help, she will take responsibility for his drinking to quench thirst.

Quenching thirst in the future.

Fluids intake in the future.


Subtheme: Fluids intake in the future

Main theme: Being responsible for their drinking is a responsibility for life and death