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Table 3 Impact of patients’ stories

From: The role of patients’ stories in medicine: a systematic scoping review




Professional Development

 Greater appreciation of the patient’s context, symptomology, contextual considerations, and concerns [114, 124, 130, 143, 174, 175, 180, 182]

Lack of training, support and remediation in the use of stories in clinical practice [19, 139, 153, 169]

 Molding of professional identities (PIF) [139, 152, 157, 170, 202, 241, 247, 273,274,275, 288, 289]

Difficulty in verifying information thus risking skewing care determinations [30, 32, 33, 180, 182]

Patient- physician Relationship

 Enhanced patient-centered care through [22, 33, 111, 290, 291]:

 • Enhanced relationship building [19, 30, 111, 125, 136, 146, 148, 153, 155, 161, 192, 201, 205, 212, 271, 277,278,279,280, 292,293,294],

 • Enhanced trust [111],

 • Enhanced cultural sensitivity [114, 140, 170, 173, 176,177,178,179, 181, 290]

 • Improved communication [12, 29, 32, 33, 115, 146, 150, 154, 163, 166, 173, 176, 183, 189, 194, 228, 247, 252, 260, 267, 268, 271, 273, 279, 281, 288]

 • Improved framing of therapeutic plans [12, 25, 27,28,29, 33, 117, 150, 154, 173, 189, 192,193,194, 211, 227, 247, 252, 260, 268, 271, 272, 274, 276, 279, 284, 288, 293]

Risk of overwhelming emotional investment in patients thus requiring careful disentangling from emotional and psychological distress [33, 129, 157, 197]


Lack of clear feedback and guidelines on creeping breaches in professional boundaries until professional standards are broken [29, 115, 173, 180, 188, 197, 225, 254, 272, 288]

Personal Development

 Enhanced self-reflection [116, 135, 139, 158, 269,270,271,272]

Poor emotional and psychological support [115, 163, 165, 173, 197, 244, 256, 268, 288]


Lack of feedback and remediation [115, 178, 197, 256, 272]

Interprofessional Development

 Enhanced collaboration and interprofessional working [114, 116, 135, 139, 158, 171, 174, 269,270,271,272, 276]


 Enhanced integration of common culture [139, 276]


 Reduced hierarchy [12, 171, 281]


 Enhanced practical wisdom [12, 25, 29, 117, 154, 173, 191, 194, 211, 228, 247, 250, 273, 279, 280, 288]