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Table 4 Proportion of participants expressing significant distress in at least one item of psychological or physical burden

From: Symptom burden, palliative care need and predictors of physical and psychological discomfort in two UK hospitals

GSF prognostic indicator criteria

Proportion of disease condition with psychological burden

Proportion of disease condition with physical burden


N (%)

N (%)

GSF Cancer

13 (39)

25 (78)

GSF Heart disease

15 (39)

23 (60)


18 (52)

27 (81)

GSF Renal disease

4 (26)

11 (73)

GSF Frailty

26 (53)

34 (70)

GSF Dementia

21 (65)

29 (90)

GSF Stroke

10 (58)

15 (88)

GSF Other

12 (42)

19 (70)