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Table 1 Main characteristics of the four published prospective cohort studies on institutional end-of-life care in dementia

From: The last phase of life with dementia in Swiss nursing homes: the study protocol of the longitudinal and prospective ZULIDAD study



Data sources

Main outcome measures

Main study aims

CareAD [2527]

N = 123 (91 cases of death), census in 3 NH, main inclusion criteria: life expectancy of 6 month or less, dementia diagnosis, receiving or meeting criteria for hospice or palliative care

Chart review (BL, 3 M, PM); surrogate decision-makers (BL, 3 M, PM); physicians (BL); nurses (BL, incomplete information); direct assessment of residents (BL, 3 M)

Medical status (by charts); treatment decisions (by surrogates); quality of life (by caregivers and surrogates); frequency of contact with staff (by surrogates); spiritual and religious beliefs (by surrogates)

Description of health problems, examination of decisions of surrogate decision-makers regarding treatment

CASCADE [5, 16]

N = 323 (177 cases of death), main inclusion criteria: CPS 5 or 6, dementia diagnosis, GDS = 7

Chart review, nurses and clinical examination (BL, 3 M, PM2, PM7); REL (BL, PM2, PM7)

EOLD-SM (by nurses); EOLD-CAD (by nurses); EOLD-SWC (by REL); QUALID (by nurses); DSI (by REL)

Description of disease trajectories, resident comfort, clinical decision-making, family satisfaction with care, complicated grief among REL

DEOLD [17, 28]

N = 372 (218 cases of death), main inclusion criteria: CPS 5 or 6, GDS = 7

Physician (BL, 6 M, PM), REL (BL, 6 M, PM)

EOLD Scales, PAINAD, QUALID (by physicians and REL)

Description of comfort, symptom burden, pain and family satisfaction with care

EoLO-PSODEC [29, 30]

N = 315 (NH), N = 181 (home care) (100 cases of death), main inclusion criteria: FAST ≥ =7, life expectancy of more than two weeks

Chart review (bi-weekly), nurses (bi-weekly), physicians (incomplete information)

Diagnosis, ongoing treatment, current prescriptions, appropriateness of prescription (by charts), DS-DAT (by nurses)

Description of treatment and prescription, discomfort, critical decisions

  1. Note. Abbreviations: NH nursing home, REL relatives, BL baseline, 3 M three-monthly, 6 M biannually, PM post mortem, PM2 post mortem after two weeks, PM7 post-mortem after 7 weeks, CPS cognitive performance score [15, 31], GDS global deterioration scale [32], EOLD-SM/ -SWC/ -CAD end-of-life in dementia - symptom management/ -satisfaction with care/-comfort at dying [21], QUALID quality of life in late-stage dementia scale [24], DSI decision satisfaction inventory [33], PAINAD pain assessment in advanced dementia [34], FAST functional assessment staging [35], DS-DAT discomfort scale for dementia of the alzheimer’s type [36]