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Table 3 Helpfulness of individual elements of the therapeutic sessions (0 = not helpful at all; 4 = extremely helpful)

From: The feasibility and acceptability of short-term, individual existential behavioural therapy for informal caregivers of patients recruited in a specialist palliative care unit

First Session - mindfulness

Mean (SD) range


2,9 (1,1) 0-4


2,9 (1,0) 0-4

Body-Scan (Introduction)

2,6 (1,1) 0-4

Mindfulness exercise (paying attention to the breath)

2,9 (1,1) 0-4

Mindfulness imagination (e.g., imagination of one’s own thoughts as clouds, passing over the sky)

2,5 (1,0) 0-4

Self-reliant practice with audio CD

2,0 (1,1) 0-4

Second Session - Resources


3,0 (1,1) 1-4


2,9 (1,1) 0-4

Determining the sources of strength

3,0 (1,0) 1-4

Guided imagination of resources and their empowering emotion

2,9 (1,0) 1-4

Finding a symbol (representing the resource)

2,8 (1,1) 1-4

Self-reliant handling of resources/symbols in daily life

2,8 (1,1) 1-4