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Table 8 Results of logistic regression on patients’/physicians’ characteristics and limiting treatment (n = 403)

From: Limiting treatment and shortening of life: data from a cross-sectional survey in Germany on frequencies, determinants and patients’ involvement


Treatment limitation with possible/intended shortening of life

Socio-demographic factors

Bivariate logistic regression

Multivariable regression

Patient age ≥ 75 years

p = 0.007, OR 1.848, CI [1.183;2.886]

p = 0.205, OR 1.432, CI [0.822;2.496]

Patient dying from cancer

p = 0.000, OR 0.409, CI [0.261;0.64]

p = 0.01, OR 0.486, CI [0.281;0.84]

Physician being non-religious

p = 0.951, OR 0.984, CI [0.581;1.666]

p = 0.829, OR 1.072, CI [0.572;2.011]

Physician’s specialisation in palliative medicine

p = 0.440, OR 0.742, CI [0.348;1.583]

p = 0.727, OR 0.866, CI [0.386;1.943]