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Table 3 Short summary of Braun and Clarke’s approach to thematic analysis, as applied to this study

From: Clinical decision making in the recognition of dying: a qualitative interview study



Notes for this study.

1) Familiarisation with data

The researcher is immersed in the data, through repeated exposure.

Took place through interview conduct, transcribing interviews, repeatedly reading the transcripts whilst listening to the recordings, and later annotating transcripts whilst reading.

2) Generating initial codes

The researcher begins to document a list of codes, beginning during familiarization. Codes identify a piece of data that conveys meaning.

A code list was kept from early on in the familiarization process, and codes were accorded a clear definition.

Codes are attached to the data at the point at which they arise.

Atlas.ti was used to link codes and transcript data.

3) Searching for themes

The researcher seeks common themes that unite codes. Themes are units of analysis and interpretation.

Any potentially interesting themes were considered, which united multiple codes.

4) Reviewing themes

An iterative process by which themes are explored and reviewed in detail, to determine the extent to which they may be supported by the data. Themes may be kept, combined or rejected at this point.

This was the most involved stage of the research. Analysis of double-coded transcripts, described in the text, formed an important part of this process.

5) Defining and naming themes

Following the above stage, themes are defined and named in a manner that accords meaning clearly and succinctly.

In this study, the defined themes are used for the discussion presented below.

6) Produce report

A detailed reflexive discussion of the overall process, based around the final thematic list, is generated.

Summarised in this publication.