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Table 2 Examples of questions posted on the secured websites of the online focus groups

From: Self-management support and eHealth for patients and informal caregivers confronted with advanced cancer: an online focus group study among nurses

Physical symptoms such as fatigue, pain and loss of appetite are common in advanced cancer cases. These symptoms can have consequences for people with cancer and their informal caregivers.

 • Do you recognize this description?/Is this description familiar?

 • What do you do at present to support these patients and/or informal caregivers in dealing with these physical symptoms (=aspects of self-management support)? And how would you want to do this in the ideal situation?

 • What are your thoughts on the use of eHealth in this context?

Advanced cancer can be associated with somber moods, anxiety and uncertainty. Both the person with cancer and their informal caregivers may have these feelings.

 • Do you recognize this description?/Is this description familiar?

 • What do you presently do to help these patients and/or informal caregivers deal with these feelings (=aspects of self-management support)? And how would you want to do this in the ideal situation?

 • What advice do you give patients and/or informal caregivers for situations where they would like to talk to a healthcare professional or caregiver but where this is not possible or only to a limited extent?

 • What are your thoughts on the use of eHealth in this context?