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Table 1 The Family Talk Intervention: the focus at each meeting and the family members involved

From: The family talk intervention in palliative care: a study protocol

Meeting 1–6

Involved family members

Focus at the meeting

Meeting 1


The ill parent’s history.

To set up the family’s goals for the intervention.

Meeting 2


The well parent’s history.

Meeting 3

Each child (preferably without the parents)

The child’s understanding of the illness and the situation, worries and questions

Meeting 4


Summary about worries and questions from meeting 3.

Planning the family talk (meeting 5).

Meeting 5

Parents and children

“The family talk”. Preferably led by the parents and consisting of questions from both children and parents.

Meeting 6

Parents and sometimes children

Follow-up with focus on how to communicate within the family in the future to reach the family’s goals.