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Table 1 The six clinical themes and examples of research questions used to search for evidence

From: Advance care planning in dementia: recommendations for healthcare professionals

Theme 1

Mental capacity


How can mental capacity be defined in the context of healthcare for people living with dementia?


How can mental capacity be evaluated?

Theme 2

Advance care planning in people living with dementia


What are the specific points of interest in the involvement of people living with dementia in advance care planning? For early stages: How do we deal with persons who lack disease insight? What if people are resistant to talk about future care? For mild stages of dementia in whom verbal communication is still possible? For people with dementia in whom verbal communication about ACP is too difficult or not possible


What if the wishes of the mentally competent person (the ‘then self’) does not correspond to the actual wishes of the person now lacking in mental capacity (the ‘now self’) or to the ‘best interests’ of the person?

Theme 3

Family and environment of people living with dementia


What is the role of family and the immediate social circle in advance care planning throughout the different stages of dementia?


How can healthcare professionals support families and those in the person’s immediate environment in taking on these roles?

Theme 4

Specifics for advance care planning in people living with early onset dementia


Are there specific points of interest concerning people living with early onset dementia and advance care planning?

Theme 5

Documentation and registration of ACP


What aspects of ACP need to be registered? How do we transfer information to different settings?

Theme 6

Organizational issues


What is the role in the ACP process of different professionals? What are the optimal preconditions for ACP in different settings?