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Fig. 1 | BMC Palliative Care

Fig. 1

From: How can end of life care excellence be normalized in hospitals? Lessons from a qualitative framework study

Fig. 1

Proposed implementation model for augmenting EOL care excellence in acute care settings. The x-axis represents increasing EOL care complexity and shift from degrees of comfort and usual expertise. The y-axis represents the development of the acute care team’s capability towards sustainable EOL care excellence. The central diagonal arrow represents CgDp which supports EOL care practices. The engagement of the acute care team and palliative care team are symbolised by the curved arrows and illustrates that as the acute care team develops in EOL care capability their ability to provide EOL care excellence in less complex cases is enhanced without extensive palliative care guidance. While for more complex cases, the guidance of palliative care called upon. The barriers identified, based on the NPT constructs, are presented along with interventions to address these and the anticipated outcomes, which when combined are likely to contribute to excellence in EOL care practices in acute settings

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