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Table 3 Quotes on the perceived added value of the listening consultation service

From: Strengthening the spiritual domain in palliative care through a listening consultation service by spiritual caregivers in Dutch PaTz-groups: an evaluation study



For HCP’s

“R1: The fact that she [spiritual caregiver] is involved in PaTz-groups, means that you think of it as well, you see someone, and then you think of consultations, and of a different perspective, or of some extra possibilities. R2: R2: Because here [PaTz-group meeting] you sometimes can get stuck in the medical issues. Or when you have issues with providing care to a patient or whatever, and then you can say: maybe it’s an idea that …(GPs in PaTz-group)

For patients /relatives

“Well, it just seems a bit like a soft way to talk about loss, without having a label or something, I experienced that as very pleasant. Because sometimes I have discussed these issues with my friends or sometimes family when I felt sad at certain moments. Then they say that you should just take a pill. Sometimes I have received that advice. Or that I had to engage a psychologists. But I don’t think I want that at all. That’s not the point at all. Then you feel somewhat misunderstood. And then I’d rather talk to an expert about it.” (Patients’ relative, 50y)

For spiritual caregivers

“Maintaining the part of communication with each other, that has had quite a lot of attention in such a start-up phase. (…) And then, I just think, that is worth the investment you know, if you can find each other well at the moments that matter. And if patients sometimes appreciate it if you give something back to the GP, yes, then you just work together on good, holistic patient care. So sometimes the investment is that it costs you extra time, but I think it is definitely worth it over time..” (Spiritual caregiver involved in pilot)