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Table 1 Case vignettes for pre-testing in the second iteration

From: Systematic adaptation of the Thai version of the supportive and palliative care indicators tool for low-income setting (SPICT-LIS)

Case vignettes

Short description


50-year-old female, single, living with her parents at their home

Stage II cervical cancer, completed chemoradiotherapy, HIV infection with good immunity and controlled viral load, CKD stage V, decided not to have dialysis

Capable of doing most daily activities without any physical support

Underweight, cachexic


59-year-old male, married, living with his wife at home

Chronic alcoholism, lumbar spondylolisthesis waiting for a lumbar surgery, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,

Quit his job due to dyspnea, depends on his wife for caregiving, able to walk small distances, but stays mainly in bed or sitting in a chair


90-year-old male, dependent on his unmarried daughter, lives at home

Stroke, vascular dementia, triple vessel disease with previous heart surgery

Bedbound, on nasogastric tube, hums without meaningful words, unable to move, depends on his daughter for physical support, the daughter has chronic muscle pain and insomnia