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Fig. 2 | BMC Palliative Care

Fig. 2

From: Nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards palliative care and death: a learning intervention

Fig. 2

PCQN, FATCOD-B, and DAP-R scores pre- and post-intervention (N = 97). a, Total PCQN scores ranged from 0 to 20, with higher scores indicating greater knowledge. Scores in philosophy and principles of palliative care ranged from 0 to 4, scores in management of pain and other symptoms ranged between 0 and 13, and scores in psychosocial aspects of care ranged from 0 to 3. PCQN: Palliative Care Quiz of Nursing. b, Scores on the scale ranged from 0 to 150 with higher scores indicating a favourable attitude towards care for the dying. FATCOD-B: Frommelt Attitudes Towards Care of the Dying Scale Form B. c, Scores on each subscale, ranging from 1 to 7, represented the five attitudes towards death. A higher score indicated a greater tendency to share the corresponding attitude towards death. DAP-R: Death Attitude Profile-Revised. Data were presented as estimated means and deviations. The height of the error bar in Fig. 2 is equal to the mean value of the variable plus the standard deviation. Paired t-tests were used for analysis of the difference between pre- and post-intervention scores. *p ≤ .05 for differences between pre- and post-intervention

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