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Table 3 Referral to Hospice Palliative Care before (Group 1) and after (Group 2) the implementation of the Life-Sustaining Treatment Decisions Act

From: Changes in decision-making process for life-sustaining treatment in patients with advanced cancer after the life-sustaining treatment decisions-making act


Group 1

(n = 943)

Group 2

(n = 891)


HPC referral

398 (42.2 %)

607 (68.1 %)

< 0.001

Consent to HPCa

334 (83.9 %)

487 (80.2 %)

< 0.001

HPC referral to death, day (Mean ± SD)a

36.5 ± 52.9

46.0 ± 79.5


  1. aanalyzed from cases referred to HPC (n = 1005; 398 from group 1, 607 from group 2)
  2. HPC hospice palliative care; SD standard deviation