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Table 1 Search Strategy

From: Evidence on the economic value of end-of-life and palliative care interventions: a narrative review of reviews

Ovid MEDLINE(R) Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Daily and Ovid MEDLINE(R) < 1946 to Present>


Search Strategy


exp Terminal Care/ or exp. Palliative Care/ or exp. Terminally Ill/ or ((End adj2 life adj2 care) or EoL care or (terminal* adj2 (care or caring or ill* or disease*)) or palliat* or dying or (Advanced adj3 (disease* or illness*)) or end stage*).ti,ab,kf.


(cost: or cost benefit analys: or health care costs).mp.


((exp Review Literature as Topic/ or exp. Review/ or (literature adj3 review*).ab,ti.) and ((medline or medlars or embase or pubmed or cinahl or amed or psychlit or psyclit or psychinfo or psycinfo or scisearch or cochrane).ab,ti. or Retracted or Meta-Analysis as Topic/ or or (systematic* adj2 (review* or overview)).ab,ti. or ((meta adj1 anal*) or metaanal* or metanal*).ab,ti.


1 and 2 and 3


limit 4 to (english language and yr = “2000 -Current”)