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Table 1 Study variables and analyses

From: Support received by family members before, at and after an ill person’s death


Response alternatives


Overall, do you feel that you and your family got as much help and support from health and social services as you needed when caring for him/her?

- Yes, we got as much support as we needed/yes

- We got some support, but not as much as we wanted

- No, although we tried to get more help

- No, but we did not try to get more help

- We did not need help

Quantitative descriptive

Please feel free to make comments in the space below

Open-ended question

Qualitative – interpretive description

Were you contacted soon enough to give you time to be with him/her before he/she died?

- Yes

- No

- I was already there

- It was not clear he/she was going to die soon

- I couldn’t have got there anyway

- I was not contacted

Quantitative descriptive

Were you or his/her family given enough help and support by the healthcare team at the actual time of his/her death?

- Yes, definitely

- Yes, to some extent

- No, not at all

- Don’t know

Quantitative descriptive

Were you or his/her family treated with respect by the staff after he/she had died?

- Yes

- No

- Don’t know

- Does not apply, I had no contact with the staff

Quantitative descriptive

Please feel free to make comments in the space below

Open-ended question

Qualitative – interpretive description

Since he/she died, have you talked to anyone from health and social services, or from a bereavement service, about your feelings about his/her illness and death?

- Yes

- No, but I would have liked to

- No, but I did not want to anyway

- Unsure

Quantitative descriptive

Please use the space below if there is anything else you would like to tell us about the care and support you received

Open-ended question

Qualitative – interpretive description

What, if anything, was good about the care?

Open-ended question

Qualitative – interpretive description

What, if anything, was bad about the care?

Open-ended question

Qualitative – interpretive description