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Table 1 Quantitative assessments and measures

From: The impact of respite care from the perspectives and experiences of people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and their care partners: a qualitative study

Administered to

Quantitative assessment


People with ALS and Care Partners

GAD- 7 [17]

Worry and anxiety symptoms

PHQ- 9 [18]

Major depressive symptoms

People with ALS


Functional impairment

ECAS [20]

Cognitive and behavioural changes


Quality of life

Personal Information Screen

Demographic information

Care Partners

Adapted SSLI

Support satisfaction and interactions

ECAS – Section B [20]

Behavioural abnormalities in ALS patient

Familial Information Screen

Demographic information

QOLLTI-F v2 [21]

Quality of life

Relationship Closeness Scale [22]

Closeness of patient-caregiver relationship

ZBI [23]

Caregiver burden

  1. ALSFRS-R Revised Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale, ECAS Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioural Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Screen, GAD-7 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-Item, MQOL-R McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire-Revised, PHQ-9 Patient Health Questionnaire-9, QOLLTI-F v2 Quality of Life in Life-Threatening Illness-Family Carer Version 2, SSLI Social Support List of Interactions, ZBI Zarit Burden Interview