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Table 2 Interview guide

From: Control in patients with advanced cancer: an interpretative phenomenological study

• Some people say that a sense of control, that is having some say over circumstances and being the one to make the decisions, in the context of illness, is important for wellbeing. Do you agree?

• Some people with your illness think about how their life would be if their illness progresses and they think they would have little control over their life. Have you ever thought about this?

• Some people usually achieve what they set out to do and have the capacity to cope with unexpected turns of events. Since you became ill you are still as independent as you were before?

• What aspects of your life do you think you have less control over now? If you have lost control over some aspects of your life, how does this affect you?

• How do you think you would react if due to your illness you lost control over your life? Say, for example, if you were unable to walk or depended on others…

• Sometimes wanting to control circumstances is related to a fear of suffering or an uncertain future. Is this true for you or is there something else behind it?

• Is there anything else you would like to add?