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Table 2 Reflections from the first cycle of the CTC Program

From: “Building palliative care capacity in cancer treatment centres: a participatory action research”

Organizational Barriers

Lack of buy-in from administrators and decision-makers

• A more rigorous process of sample selection through interviews and personal judgement

• Identifying senior clinical and non-clinical leaders within organizations and engaging them

Workforce shortage to initiate PC service

• A 2-day on-site structured mentor visit where mentors addressed site-specific issues with administrators/decision-makers

• Sensitization and training programs by experts on palliative care

Lack of resources – space, funding, time

Lack of awareness about PC among other healthcare providers

Hierarchical structure in the healthcare system that impedes communication and collaboration

• Group brainstorming with the team on how to enhance team collaboration and communication

• Team building activities during the mentor visit and refresher course

Individual Barriers:

Lack of motivation towards PC

• Improving selection of change champions by interviews and personal judgment

• Selecting those with some awareness, understanding and commitment towards palliative care

• Identifying those who have had short-term training in palliative care in the cancer treatment institutes and involving them in the program

• Deficits in PC skills and knowledge

• Lack of leadership skills

• Structured training program that included a 3-day centralized refresher training which focused on:

• Problem-based learning and peer learning techniques to foster a culture of continuous self-directed learning

• Microlearning to reinforce previously acquired knowledge and skills, address gaps in knowledge and help in retention

Competing interests of the healthcare provider

• Appropriate selection of candidates who would be able to devote exclusive time to PC

• Organizational buy-in from administrators ensured to smoothen this transition

Barriers for drug availability

Opioid access and use

• Liaising with opinion leaders, administrators, local change champions, and governmental agencies for better opioid access

• Training for healthcare staff on safe use of opioids