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Table 4 End of life care for residents who died in 2019 (n = 363)

From: Providing palliative care for residents in LTC facilities: an analysis of routine data of LTC facilities in Lower Saxony, Germany

Nursing chart data

 Specialized palliative care

23 (6.4%)

  Mean (SDa) duration, in weeks

5.1 (6.9)

   For residents with cancer (n = 57)

9 (15.8%)

 Voluntary hospice services (VHS)

50 (13.9%)

  Mean (SDa) duration, in weeks

4.1 (3.8)

   For residents with cancer (n = 57)

17 (29.8%)

 Residents with a minimum of one hospitalization during their last 6 months of life

163 (44.9%)

  Mean (SDa) number of hospitalizations

0.6 (0.7)

  Mean (SDa) days of treatment

7.7 (6.5)

Advance care planning

 Offer of advance care planning consultation

168 (46.3%)

 Health care proxy (written)

235 (64.7%)

 Advance directive (written)

169 (46.6%)

 Do not resuscitate order

155 (42.7%)

  Complied with

149 (96.1%)

Place of death

 Long-term care facility

280 (77.1%)


73 (20.1%)

 Missing values

10 (2.8%)

  1. aSD Standard deviation