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Table 1 PICOs, Inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria applied to database search

From: A systematic scoping review on patients’ perceptions of dignity


Inclusion criteria

Exclusion Criteria


Patients receiving end-of-life care (i.e. palliative care patients)

Patients with terminal illnesses or life-limiting conditions

Patients of non-medical specialties such as Veterinary, Dentistry, Alternative and Traditional Medicine

Healthcare professionals, defined by and limited to: doctors, nurses, medical social workers



Provision of dignity-conserving care by healthcare professionals as well as other caregivers including family

Seeking to understand patients’ perceptions of their own dignity

Seeking to understand factors impacting dignity

Non-dignity focused interventions


Various practices in dignity-conserving care in hospital and care settings

Factors affecting dignity

Comparisons between different forms of dignity-conserving care



Practices of dignity-conserving care

Impact of dignity-conserving care practices on patients’ dignity

Impact of differences in stakeholders’ perceptions of dignity on patient care

Outcomes not relevant to patient dignity

Study design

Articles in English or translated to English

All study designs including: mixed methods research, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, case–control studies, cross-sectional studies, and descriptive papers

Years of Publication: between 1st January 2000 and 31st December 2020

Databases: PubMed, Embase, PsycINFO, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Scopus, CINAHL

Articles in languages other than English

Publications before 1st January 2000 or after 31st December 2020