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Table 6 Qualitative codes extracted from the students’ responses

From: Communication skills training in advance care planning: a survey among medical students at the University of Antwerp

Category 1: COVID-19 pandemic acts as a facilitator

 A. Raises awareness; confrontations with the disease in the immediate environment or news/the (social) media prompts reflection

 B. Serves as a starting point for ACP discussion (for both doctor and patient)

 C. Gives doctors more opportunity to gain experience with end-of-life conversations

 D. Fear/emotions may serve as a stimulus for engaging in ACP conversations

 E. Raises attention for psychosocial well-being

Category 2: COVID-19 pandemic act as a barrier

 A. Hampers verbal and non-verbal communication (mouth masks, social distancing, online consultations)

 B. Limits contacts with doctors

 C. Prevents family/caregivers from co-attending visits

 D. Time constraints due to workload (doctor)/care burden (caregiver) leave no room for ACP/end-of-life consultations

 E. Fear/emotions may serve as a barrier (for ACP conversations and for visits to a doctor)

 F. Causes polarization in the population: creates division and distrust among groups

Category 3: No idea/No difference/Did not understand the question

Category 4: Logistical challenges associated with ACP

Category 5: Attitude towards ACP training