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Table 2 Inclusion and Exclusion criteria

From: The end of life experiences of people living with socio-economic deprivation in the developed world: an integrative review

Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Articles reporting the experiences of adult patients with a diagnosis of terminal illness who were approaching the EOL from the perspective of the patient or the unpaid/family caregiver

Articles reporting the experiences of those under the age of 18

Articles which described a population of participants who were socio-economically deprived

Articles reporting the experiences of patients living with chronic illness but not thought to be at the EOL

Research was conducted in high income countries (as per World Bank List of economies [37])

Articles reporting the perceptions of health professionals I.e. health professional proxy accounts of experience

Articles were peer reviewed empirical research

Articles which were focused on place of death or on access to palliative care for people at the EOL: initial contact with services, perceptions of services and availability of services

Published in English

Systematic reviews, reports, commentaries, editorials, conference proceedings, case reports, grey literature