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Table 1 Operationalization of RE-AIM dimensions and CFIR constructs

From: Implementation of a threefold intervention to improve palliative care for persons experiencing homelessness: a process evaluation using the RE-AIM framework

RE-AIM dimension

Conceptualization of RE-AIM dimension



To what extent is the target population is reached by the initiatives?

Extent, type and setting of professionals in social, hostel and palliative care services, and homeless persons who were (or were not) involved in consultation, multidisciplinary meetings and training during the study


To what degree are the initiatives adopted or used by organizations and settings?

Extent to which consultation, multidisciplinary meetings and training were adopted and used by organizations, standardization of use, and factors affecting this


To what extent have the initiatives been implemented according to plan?

Extent to which the threefold consultation services are implemented according to original plans


To what extent are the initiatives are future-proof?

Extent to which the threefold consultation services are (or are expected to be) used, supported and sustained over time by healthcare professionals and management

Data sources

Detailed description of measurement type



1. Weekly structured digital diary for the consultants, questions on type and number of activities performed, reason for activity, experiences with activity. The activities were: consultations, multidisciplinary meetings, training (given or received), and project team meetings

Month 3–21

2. Structured questionnaire for advising consultant and requesting consultant after each consultation; nature of care request, patient diagnosis, advice provided or received (broken down into the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual domains of palliative care, plus addiction), consultant’s knowledge, consultation timing, facilitating and impeding factors regarding consultation, consultation quality, concreteness and usefulness of advice, effect on quality of palliative care, and added value of consultations

Month 3–21

3. Structured questionnaire after each multidisciplinary meeting filled out by the consultant involved; questions on professional background of attendees, diagnosis, and details of the patients and domains discussed

Month 3–21

4. Semi-structured group interviews with attendees of multidisciplinary meetings and training activities, guided by a topic list with topics on the process of getting involved in multidisciplinary meetings and training activities, appreciation of collaboration and discussions, topics discussed, added value of meetings, effect on knowledge and competences, effect on timing and quality of palliative care, suggestions for improvement

Month 3–21, after MDM

5. Semi-structured individual and group interviews with managers, guided by a topic list with topics on activities, process, added value, and maintenance of intervention activities

Month 15–17

6. Semi-structured short individual interviews with consultants on current activities, collaboration, implementation and effort required, useful elements, missing aspects, perceived benefits of the three elements, perceived added value for collaboration, competences, quality and timing of palliative care

Month 9–12

7. Implementation diary, filled out weekly by the researcher with observations on the intervention: activities performed, steps taken to accomplish this, and evaluations and difficulties in this process. Observations on implementation: support for this process, strategies

Month 1–21

CFIR Construct


Intervention characteristics

The intervention as referred to in the project proposal with consultations, MDMs and training activities aimed at palliative care for this population specifically, characteristics of the intervention (reciprocity, duos, bedside consultations), and the activities and perspectives of the professionals involved in this

Outer setting

The characteristics of organizations and networks that are involved later on and are complementary to the initial collaboration as described in the work plan

Inner setting

The characteristics and culture of the organizations that were involved in the project from the start as well as the implementation climate within these organizations

Characteristics of individuals

Characteristics of individuals involved in the project from the start and later on in the project in consultations, MDMs and training


Process of preparing, planning and executing the intervention