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Table 3 Mean (SD) construct scores for intention to use and possible predictors (n = 90)

From: Intention of healthcare providers to use video-communication in terminal care: a cross-sectional study


Total group (n = 90)

Mean (SD)

Users (n = 65)

Mean (SD)

Non-users (n = 25)

Mean (SD)

p-values users vs. non users

Intention to use1

3.6 (.88)

3.8 (.78)

2.9 (.84)


Outcome expectancy1

3.3 (.75)

3.4 (.73)

3.1 (.79)


Effort expectancy1

3.7 (.76)

3.8 (.73)

3.5 (.80)



3.3 (.71)

3.4 (.72)

3.1 (.65)


Social influence1

3.1 (.65)

3.2 (.65)

2.8 (.60)


Facilitating conditions2

3.6 (.54)

3.7 (.52)

3.4 (.53)



3.7 (.60)

3.8 (.56)

3.4 (.60)



3.1 (.82)

2.9 (.85)

3.5 (.55)


Personal innovativeness2

3.3 (.75)

3.5 (.76)

3.0 (.63)


  1. 1Mann-Whitney U test and 2Independent t-test for testing differences between users vs. non-users