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Table 2 Phase 1 topics and questions in the semi-structured guide

From: Development of the Carers’ Alert Thermometer (CAT) to identify family carers struggling with caring for someone dying at home: a mixed method consensus study

1. Demographic information

 a) Age


 b) Employment status – current, previous, reasons for stopping work, how long ago stopped work


 c) Relationship with person currently caring for


 d) Any previous caring roles

2. Perception of carers

 a) Would you describe yourself as a carer?


 b) If not, how do you see your role as being different to that of a carer?

3. Current caring role

a) How long have you looked after ………….?


b) Can you describe some of the things that you do for…? (physical, social, psychological)


c) Looking back at the time you have been caring for …., have you seen a change in how you care for ….?


(Changes, increases in care required)


 d) Have there been any occasions when you have found caring to be challenging? (examples & context)


e) Looking back on the …. months that you have been caring for …., what were the most challenging things youhave had to deal with, and why?


 f) Is it difficult to say that there have been problems or challenges? Or to ask for help?


 g) What helps you to cope with the challenges? (what helps most, least)


 h) Is there anything positive that has come out of your caring role with ….?

4. Support and assessments

 a) What support or help have you received whilst caring for …?


 b) Is there any help or support you feel you might have benefited from but did not receive?


c) Have you had any assessments since you started caring for ….?


d) Did those assessments result in any additional support?


e) Do you think regular assessment of carers needs would be helpful?


f) Are there any areas in particular that you feel should be assessed?


 g) How would you feel being asked about your needs on a regular basis by someone who comes into your homeregularly, such as a district nurse? (Any other professional you would prefer?)

5. Open ended question

Is there anything else youd like to add to what youve said today?