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Table 3 Overview of the components within the implementation guide for the acute geriatric ward

From: Development of the care programme for the last days of life for older patients in acute geriatric hospital wards: a phase 0–1 study according to the Medical Research Council Framework



Component 1-Establishing the implementation project and preparing the environment


❖ Informing the health care staff caring for older hospitalized patients about the implementation project and the importance of change in care during the last days of life


❖ Executive endorsement: acquiring management approval for the trainings and audits


❖ Involvement of specialist palliative care services is recommended: at least one member of the Palliative Support Team of the hospital is member of the steering group



❖ Facilitators: a nurse and a physician of the geriatric ward

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❖ Formation of steering group: at least four people of the geriatric ward (facilitators included)


❖ Intensive 2-day training of facilitators

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Component 2-Preparing the documentation


1. Development of an information leaflet for family carers about the facilities in the geriatric ward


Component 3-Baseline review


1. Analyzing end-of-life care data of deceased older hospitalized patients using the patients’ medical files

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2. Feedback of the results to the staff and focusing on improvement within the geriatric ward

Component 4-Training health care staff caring for older hospitalized patients


1. Facilitators and specialist palliative care colleagues train health care staff with the aid of a training package (i.e. hand-outs with information about the Care Guide, a copy of the Care Guide, a casus to discuss in group etc.)

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2. Aim training

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To understand and work with the Care Guide

Component 5-Care Guide use and intensive support


1. Care Guide use after sufficient training and education

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2. Intensive support and supervision by the steering group through repeated coaching, telephone, and direct guidance, discussion of clinical cases, and clinical audits

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Component 6-Semi-intensive support


1. Semi-intensive support and supervision by the steering group through repeated coaching, telephone, and direct guidance, discussion of clinical cases, and clinical audits

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Component 7-Evaluation


1. To organize a qualitative evaluation of the implementation: evaluating and discussing the performance and progress of each of the previous components

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2. The qualitative evaluation acknowledges areas where further support, education, or training is need


Component 8-Consolidation


1. To adopt a strategy to maintain/improve the implementation and sustainability of the Care Guide


2. Support and supervision by the steering group through repeated coaching, telephone, and direct guidance, discussion of clinical cases, and clinical audits

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Component 9-Ongoing education, training, and support


1. Keeping up to date with developments in end-of-life care and a continuing education and evaluation within the hospital ward

  1. Source*
  2. 1: based on the results of the review of the LCP programmes from the UK, Italy, and the Netherlands.
  3. 2: based on the results of the literature review on key factors affecting a successful LCP implementation.