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Table 3 Current situation and ideal situation regarding nurses’ self-management support in the case of advanced cancer

From: Self-management support and eHealth for patients and informal caregivers confronted with advanced cancer: an online focus group study among nurses

5 A’s

Current situation

Ideal situation


Self-management support for patients

Self-management support for informal caregivers

Self-management support for patients

Self-management support for informal caregivers


Obtaining an understanding of the patient’s background, personal situation, wishes, and needs by initiating a discussion, enabling an open discussion about topics, actively asking follow-up questions, listening


More time

In general: More attention


Giving information and guidance, advising, listening, and referring the person to other disciplines or organizations

Giving information and guidance, advising, listening



Jointly setting goals, letting patients prioritize symptoms themselves




Mapping barriers and strategies applied in the past, giving practical tips




Continuity of care


In general: Better cooperation between intramural and extramural healthcare

Throughout all 5 A’s


More attention to self-management support in the home situation

  1. a no information from online focus groups that relates to the ‘A’ in question