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Table 1 Sources and variables of the questionnaire

From: Health and intention to leave the profession of nursing - which individual, social and organisational resources buffer the impact of quantitative demands? A cross-sectional study




# of items

Example and interpretation




scale ‘quantitative demands’


Do you have to work very fast?


scale ‘self-rated health’


Your state of health: If you evaluate the best conceivable state of health at 10 points and the worst at 0 points: How many points do you then give to your present state of health? Please put a cross by the corresponding number.

scale ‘burnout’


How often do you feel emotionally exhausted?

intention to leave the profession

scale ‘intention to leave the profession’


How often in the course of the past year have you thought about giving up your profession?

response categories: never, a few times a month, once or twice a week, three to five times a week and every day; for the logistic regression analysis the “intent to leave the nursing profession” variable was dichotomized: ‘never’ vs. ‘at least one time’ (a few times a month, once or twice a week, three to five times a week, every day)



scale ‘influence at work’


Do you have any influence on what you do at work?

scale ‘degree of freedom at work’


Can you decide when to take a break?

scale ‘possibilities for development’


Do you have the possibility of learning new things through your work?

scale ‘meaning of work’


Do you feel that the work you do is important?

scale ‘workplace commitment’


Do you enjoy telling others about your place of work?

Resilience questionnaire RS-13





I can accept it when not all people like me.

total score range from 13 to 91, low resilience, score 67–72: moderate resilience, score 73–91: high resilience

Pilot study


single question

meaningfulness of work


How much do the following help you to handle the workload?

Not helpful, little helpful, quite helpful, very helpful

single questions

meeting the relatives after death of patients, family, friends, professional attitude/dissociation, positive thinking, hobbies, self-reflection, self-care, physical activity, religiosity/spirituality

1 question for each variable

How much do the following help you to handle the workload?

Not helpful, little helpful, quite helpful, very helpful

single questions

recognition from supervisor, recognition from patients and relatives, recognition from colleagues, recognition through social context, recognition through salary, good working team, help and support from colleagues in emergencies

1 question for each variable

Do you receive recognition for your work from …?

Do not agree at all, rather disagree, somewhat agree, fully agree

  1. COPSOQ-scales have a score from 0 to 100, high = positive, only regarding the scales ‘quantitative demands’ and ‘burnout’, high = negative