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Table 3 Values clarification exercise

From: Development and usability testing of Understanding Stroke, a tailored life-sustaining treatment decision support tool for stroke surrogate decision makers

Select the most important items (up to 5)

“My loved one might consider stopping treatment to extend life (and choose comfort measures only) if, for a few months or more, they …”

Were not able to talk, but could still engage in non-verbal communication

Had difficulty thinking of words or understanding others

Were not able to breathe without the help of a machine

Were not able to participate in important hobbies, social, or religious activities

Had difficulty thinking clearly or making decisions (e.g. needed help managing finances)

Needed help from another person to eat, bathe, or take care of basic bathroom needs

Were not able to live on their own or take care of themselves

Needed a walker or wheelchair to move around

Had to stay in bed constantly

Needed a feeding tube to get nutrition

Had a lot of discomfort or pain

Had to stay in a nursing home or rehabilitation facility

Could not move one side of their body