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Table 1 Classification of innovations which may avoid inappropriate or non-beneficial hospital admission and/or reduce bed days for patients at end of life: definitions and sources of information

From: A scoping review of initiatives to reduce inappropriate or non-beneficial hospital admissions and bed days in people nearing the end of their life: much innovation, but limited supporting evidence

Classification of innovation

Types of innovation and examples of what is involved

Publications providing quantitative data included in this review


Facilitating entry into the hospice and community care system

Single point of access

Access to a range of medical, nursing and social care services for patients, carers and healthcare professionals via a single telephone number.



Preventing hospital admission

2a; Care home innovations

A mixed group, including training programmes for nursing home staff.


2b; Palliative care support in the community, 24/7 hospice at home service

Coordinated palliative care delivered in the patient’s home through regular visits by specialist medical and nursing staff, often in association with a hospice.


2c; 24/7 helpline

Support for patients, carers, paramedics and non-specialist doctors and nurses.

[27, 39, 46, 48, 56]

2d; Telehealth/


Provision of healthcare remotely using telecommunication technology.

[36, 37, 39, 57, 58]

2e; Ambulance staff education

Training for better communication and decision-making when attending patients at the end of life.


2f; Integrated palliative care

Coordinated input from different healthcare professionals and caregivers.


2 g; Palliative care outreach in rural areas

Palliative consultant attends the patient in their own home and coordinates care.

[56, 74]


Facilitate discharge

3a; Hospital or emergency department-based discharge service

Patients requesting or considered suitable for discharge into supported care (community, nursing home, hospice) are identified by a hospital-based doctor or nurse who facilitates onward management.

[56, 66, 72, 75,76,77]

3b; Nurse-led palliative care inpatient capacity expansion

Offering additional nurse-led beds for less complex patients.
