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Table 3 Changes in CF, SCCs, and SCT from baseline through follow-up (N = 13)

From: A meaning-centered spiritual care training program for hospice palliative care teams in South Korea: development and preliminary evaluation

Variables (items)

Measure 1 (M1-M2)

Measure 2 (M1-M3)

Diff (SD)

t (p)

Diff (SD)

t (p)

CF (16)

0.21 (0.32)

2.35 (.037)

0.16 (0.35)

1.66 (.123)

SCC (27)

−0.48 (0.50)

−3.50 (.005)

−0.45 (0.48)

−3.38 (.006)

SCC-A (6)

−0.60 (0.64)

−3.40 (.005)

−0.54 (0.67)

−2.90 (.013)

SCC-PI (6)

−0.54 (0.70)

−2.77 (.017)

−0.53 (0.61)

−3.12 (.009)

SCC-PP (6)

− 0.44 (0.66)

−2.39 (.034)

− 0.38 (0.70)

−1.98 (.072)

SCC-R (3)

−0.49 (0.50)

−3.50 (.004)

− 0.44 (0.60)

−2.62 (.022)

SCC-At (4)

−0.38 (0.54)

− 2.59 (.024)

− 0.38 (0.44)

− 3.15 (.008)

SCC-C (2)

− 0.27 (0.81)

−1.20 (.252)

− 0.31 (0.69)

− 1.60 (.136)

SCT (17)

− 0.35 (0.31)

−4.04 (.002)

− 0.09 (0.41)

− 0.76 (.464)

  1. M1: pretest
  2. M2: posttest
  3. M3: follow-up (after 4 weeks)
  4. CF Compassion fatigue
  5. SCCs Spiritual care competencies
  6. SCC-A: assessment of the implementation of spiritual care
  7. SCC-PI Professionalization and improving the quality of spiritual care
  8. SCC-PP Personal support and patient counseling
  9. SCC-R Referral to a professional
  10. SCC-At Attitude toward the patient’s spirituality
  11. SCC-C Communication
  12. SCT Spiritual care therapeutics