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Table 1 Pulmonologists’ and palliative care physicians’ characteristics

From: The opinion of French pulmonologists and palliative care physicians on non-invasive ventilation during palliative sedation at end of life: a nationwide survey


Study population (n = 457)

Pulmonologists (n = 202)

Palliative care physicians (n = 255)


Female gender

256 (56.0)

102 (50.5)

154 (60.4)


Age (years)

45.6 ± 12.1

44.3 ± 12.3

46.6 ± 11.8


Status of physicians

 Senior practitioner

437 (95.6)

188 (93.1)

249 (97.6)



20 (4.4)

14 (6.9)

6 (2.4)

Training in palliative care

284 (62.1)

29 (14.4)

255 (100.0)

< 0.001

Training in NIV

161 (35.2)

138 (68.3)

23 (9.0)

< 0.001

Training in NIV and palliative care

44 (9.6)

21 (10.4)

23 (9.0)


Opinion in favour of maintaining NIV

88 (19.3)

57 (28.2)

31 (12.2)

< 0.001

Experience of NIV use at EOL with palliative sedation

277 (60.6)

133 (65.8)

144 (56.5)


Doctor uneasy in deciding to withdraw NIV

145/277 (52.3)

88/133 (66.2)

57/144 (39.6)

< 0.001

Personal ethics support maintaining NIV

71 (15.5)

39 (19.3)

32 (12.5)


Spending time looking for AD in the patient’s file

394 (86.2)

161 (79.7)

233 (91.4)

< 0.001

  1. Data are presented as frequencies (associated percentages), or mean ± standard deviation
  2. EOL end of life, NIV noninvasive ventilation, AD advanced directives