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Table 2 Search terms and strategy used in CINAHL database, keywords, and Mesh

From: Dignity of patients with palliative needs in the Middle East: an integrative review

Subject group

Search terms used


TI ((Dignity OR dignified OR respect* OR person#hood OR “self-concept” OR “self-esteem” OR Distress* OR ((attitude OR good) N2 (death OR dying OR illness))) OR

(MM “Human Dignity”) OR (MM “Respect”) OR (MM “Self-Concept”)


TI (((palliat* OR terminal* OR hospice OR dying OR death) N2 (patient* OR experience* OR care OR phase OR prognosis OR ill* OR cancer)) OR “end of life” OR end-stage OR life threatening OR life limiting OR (final OR last) N2 (day*) OR “advanced cancer” OR

(MM “Palliative Care”) OR (MM “Terminal Care”) OR (MM “Hospice Care”) OR (MM “Terminally Ill Patients”) OR (MM “Death”)

Middle East countries

TI ((Cypr* OR Afghanistan* OR Bahrain* OR Iran* OR Iraq* OR Israel* or gaza OR ghazza# OR “west bank” OR Palestin* OR Jordan* OR Leban* OR Liban OR Syria* OR Oman* OR Qatar* OR Kuwait* OR Saudi* OR “Saudi Arabia” or Turk* OR UAE or “united Arab emirates” OR Egypt* OR Yemen* OR Mediterranean OR Muslim* OR Islam* OR oriental OR Arab* OR middle#east OR (((cultur* or multicultur*) N2 (divers* OR chang*)))

(MM “Culture”) OR (MM “Cultural Diversity”) OR (MM “Middle East”) OR (MM “Islam”) OR (MM “Arabs”)