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Table 1 Diagnostic and prognostic frames conceptualised within the end of life care movement in Macao

From: Case study analysis of end of life care development in the Chinese cultural context of Macao: a social movement perspective


Diagnostic Frames

Prognostic Frames

Prognostic Approaches

Hospice Initiator

Absence of clinical EoLC

To alleviate suffering at the end of life

Establishing the first hospice

Community EoLC Initiator

Abandonment of the dying

Absence of community EoLC to address abandonment of the dying

To alleviate suffering at the end of life

To promote acceptance of death

Establishing the first EoLC home visit service

Nursing Education Initiator

Personal encounter of EoL experience

Separation of life from death in nursing education

To promote acceptance of death

Constructing the EoLC concept in the nursing field and public sphere