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Table 4 Differences between patients who received an enteral or parenteral infusion of fluids and patients who did not. Relationships between categorical characteristics and infusion or no infusion of fluids were analyzed using the Mantel–Haenszel chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test

From: Benefits, for patients with late stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, of being cared for in specialized palliative care compared to hospital. A nationwide register study


Patients with enteral or parenteral infusion of fluids (n = 140)

Patients with no enteral or parenteral infusion of fluids (n = 365)


Length of stay in the care setting, days, mean (SD)

7.2 (9.2)

44.9 (189.2)

 < 0.001


n (%)

n (%)


End of life discussions with patient

30 (28.6%)

190 (59.4%)

 < 0.001

Anyone present at time of death


 < 0.001



 Relative(s) and HCP(s)


29 (21.4%)

40 (29.6%)

38 (28.1%)

28 (20.7%)

79 (22.0%)

149 (41.5%)

69 (19.2%)

62 (17.3%)


Prescribed rescue medication for rattle

103 (76.3%)

311 (85.7%)


Prescribed rescue medication for nausea

65 (49.6%)

245 (68.6%)

 < 0.001

  1. HCP Health care professional, SD Standard deviation