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Table 4 Using RToP’s four domains to assess parent’s state and needs

From: Parental bereavement – impact of death of neonates and children under 12 years on personhood of parents: a systematic scoping review

Innate ring:

Spiritual needs and importance placed on it

Sources of spiritual support

Individual Ring:


Couple’s therapy

Family support

Other available support mechanisms

Stressors and changing situations in their life

Provide avenues to seek help

Determine the role that family and friends have in supporting the particular parent and their own coping mechanisms

Relational ring:

The support from those near and dear to parents

The importance placed on this

Societal Ring:

Determine support within the parent’s work environment and the larger social circle

determine support of the remaining children in their own school environment

Engagement with the parent’s general practitioner, district nurses and counselling teams