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Table 4 Sociodemographic and clinical variables

From: Health-related quality of life in patients with colorectal cancer in the palliative phase: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Adamowicz (2018) [29]

Asplund (2017) [36]

Färkkilä (2013) [28]

Färkkilä (2014) [27]

Jasinska (2010) [37]

Kim (2013) [38]


(2019) [39]

Mayrbäurl (2016) [31]

Selby (2010) [40]


(2014) [30]


(2015) [26]


No β

Yes μ (b)

No α

Yes μ (b) a


No β

Yesd, μ,α (c)

No α

Yes μ (c)a

No Ω

Noa β


No β

Yes μ,α (b)

Yes Ω (c)

Marital status

Yesd, α, (b)

Yes α (b)

Place of residence

No β

Financial difficulties

Yesd, μ,α (c)

Yes α (c)

Yes μ (c)a

Noa β


Yes α (c)

Yesd, μ,α (c)

Yes μ (c)a

Nod, α

Noa β

Type of Chemotherapy /treatment

No Ω

Noa β

Chemotherapy Line/ Duration of treatment

Yes β (c)

YesΩ (c) No

No β


Yes β (c)

No Ω

Targeted treatment

No β

Yes α, (c)

No π

No Ω

Noa β

Smoking status

No β

Response to treatment

Yes β (b)

Yes β (b)

Oncology knowledge

Yes β (b)

Unconventional treatment

Yes β (c)

Out-of-pocket cost

Yes μ (c) a

Total economic costs

Yes μ (c) a


Noa β


Yes α (c)

Yes α (c)

Feeling of Coherence

Yes α (b)

Intrusive thoughts

Yes α (c)

Time from diagnosis

Yes μ (c)

Hospital stay

No π

Awareness of terminal status

Yes α (c)

Metastasis to lungs

No α

Treatment at enrolment


Treatment at enrolment + stage

Yesd (b)

  1. Yes = p < .05. No = p > .05. --- = Not analyzed
  2. a = Not only patients with CRC in the palliative phase in the analysis
  3. b Indicates a positive correlation between the variable and the HRQoL -score
  4. c Indicates a negative correlation between the variable and the HRQoL -score
  5. d = EQ-5D, μ = 15D, α = VAS, β = QLQ-C30 π = QLQ-C15 Ω = RSCL ∑ = ESAS