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Table 1 Mean and median scores calculated from 48 post-consultation evaluation surveys from six separate consultations using the De Vries et al. framework [17] to assess quality of deliberative process and information. Deliberants rated survey items on a 10-point Likert scale (1 being not at all, 10 being very much)

From: Assessing the quality of deliberative stakeholder consultations involving allied health professionals in pediatric palliative care and hematology/oncology in Canada


Hospital 1

Hospital 2

Survey question

Oncology, N = 8

Palliative Care, N = 3

Mixed, N = 14

Oncology, N = 10

Palliative Care, N = 4

Mixed, N = 9


Mean (Median)

Mean (Median)

Mean (Median)

Mean (Median)

Mean (Median)

Mean (Median)


Do you feel that your opinions were respected by your group?

9.13 (9.5)

9.66 (10)

9.42 (10)

9.4 (10)

10 (10)

10 (10)

Do you feel you were listened to by your facilitator?

8.88 (9.5)

10 (10)

9.5 (10)

9.6 (10)

10 (10)

10 (10)

Do you feel that the process that led to your group’s response was fair?

9 (9)

10 (10)

9.6 (10)

9.3 (9.5)

10 (10)

10 (10)

How willing are you to abide by the group’s final position, even if you personally have a different view?

8.13 (9)

9.66 (10)

8.35 (9)

8.7 (9)

9.5 (9.5)

9.1 (10)


How helpful did you find question and answer interaction with the experts?

8.13 (9)

9.66 (10)

8.6 (9)

8.3 (9)

9.5 (9.5)

9.1 (9.5)

How helpful did you find the formal presentations given by the experts?

6.63 (8)

9.66 (10)

7.8 (9)

8.6 (9)

10 (10)

8.8 (9.5)

How helpful did you find discussing the issues with other participants?

7.5 (9)

10 (10)

8.8 (9)

8.6 (10)

10 (10)

9.6 (10)

How much did attending the session change your understanding about the use of this new pharmacogenomics test in pediatric oncology?

5.75 (6)

9.33 (10)

8.1 (9)

4.5 (5)

1.75 (2)

7.2 (7)

How much did attending the session change your opinion about the use of this new pharmacogenomics test in pediatric oncology?

4.5 (5)

8.33 (10)

6.8 (7)

4.3 (5)

3 (3)

7.1 (8)