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Table 1 Search concepts

From: Strategies for knowledge translation of a palliative approach outside specialized palliative care services: a scoping review

Knowledge translation


Palliative care


Health services

implementation science or implementation research or diffusion of innovation or knowledge translation or knowledge transfer or knowledge exchange or improvement science or translational medical research or program evaluation or quality improvement or implementation or implementing


palliative care or palliative or hospice or hospices or hospice and palliative care nursing or palliative medicine or terminal care or hospice care or end of life or withholding treatment or supportive care or comfort care


health service or health services or university medical center or university medical centers or academic medical center or academic medical centers or hospital or hospitals or hospital unit or hospital units or nursery or nurseries or residential facility or residential facilities or primary healthcare or primary health care or primary care or community health services

  1. For the detailed search strings, see Supplementary file 1