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Table 2 Characteristics and survival times of the palliative care patients in group A and B

From: Comparison of survival between patients receiving general outpatient palliative care and patients receiving other palliative care - analysis of data of a statutory health insurance data


Group A

Group B

Number of palliative care patients



Age, years, median (IQR)

82.0 (75.0 – 88.0)

79.0 (70.5 – 84.0)

Female, n (%)

1549 (56.3%)

731 (51.3%)

Dead, n (%)

1595 (57.9%)

1271 (89.3%)

 - median number of survival days (95% CI)

137.0 (113.0, 172.0)

47.0 (42.0, 52.0)

Inpatient or outpatient diagnoses, n (%)

2651 (96.3%)

1411 (99.1%)

 - oncological patients, n (%)

1341 (50.6%)

1136 (80.5%)

  1. IQR interquartile range (25th quartile – 75th quartile), CI confidence interval
  2. Group A: patients receiving only General Outpatient Palliative Care
  3. Group B: patients receiving inpatient or Specialized Outpatient Palliative Care