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Table 1 Participants Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

From: Experiences of family caregivers of children with cancer while receiving home-based pediatric palliative care in Indonesia: a qualitative study

Inclusion criteria

1.Family caregiver of a child living with end-stage cancer, no longer responding to curative treatment (as mentioned in the oncologist’s referral letter)

2.Patient is either a former patient or currently receiving HBPC from Rachel House

3.Patient has received a minimum of ten visits by Rachel House, either through home visits or telemedicine

4.Family caregiver agrees to be interviewed and to be involved in the research study

5.Written consent form was duly completed

Exclusion criteria

Family caregivers with difficulties in communication, for reasons of either dealing with ongoing emotions of grief and loss, or other emotional challenges such as denial, anger, and difficulties in moving on