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Table 2 Open-Ended Questions

From: Experiences of family caregivers of children with cancer while receiving home-based pediatric palliative care in Indonesia: a qualitative study

Guide questions


-What were your thoughts about your child’s condition?

-What were the most challenging things in the care of your child living with cancer?

Why did you feel that way?

Could you tell me more about that?

-What were your thoughts about taking care of your child with complex symptoms at home?

-What were your feelings and thoughts when the doctor referred your child to home-based palliative care?

Could you tell me more about that?

What worried you the most?

-What support did you expect to get from the home-based palliative care team?

-What problems were troubling you the most when taking care of your child living with cancer?

Could you explain more?

What were the challenges that you frequently encountered and emotions that you felt while receiving the assistance of home-based palliative care? For example, physical symptoms of your child (fever, pain), emotional situations (sadness), social challenges (feeling lonely), economic challenges (hospital expenses), spiritual issues (angry to God)

-(Depending on the answers from the previous questions): How did Rachel house help you overcome these problems?

-What new information or skills did you get after receiving home-based palliative care from Rachel House’s nurses?

-How was your child’s condition while receiving the home-based PPC provided by Rachel House?

What kind of assistance was most helpful in solving these problems?

Could you explain more?

How did you learn or able to apply the lessons?

Did the home-based PPC meet your expectations?

-How did the home-based PPC help you in your decision-making process?

-If there were conflicts among family members prior to receiving care, was Rachel House’s nurse able to help you in any way?

-How did Rachel House’s nurse help you to make decisions regarding your child’s care?

For family caregivers whose child has passed away:

-How did Rachel House’s nurse help you in the preparation towards death and dying process?

-How did Rachel House’s nurse support you during your bereavement process after losing your child?

Could you please elaborate