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Table 7 Theme 3. Parents’ hopes from home-based PPC and their impressions about home-based PPC

From: Experiences of family caregivers of children with cancer while receiving home-based pediatric palliative care in Indonesia: a qualitative study


Sample Quotes

Parents’ hopes from home-based PPC and their impressions about home-based PPC

“…Rachel House team was memorable, the home-based care they provided exceeded our expectation…We received home-based PPC for one year, it was unforgettable and amazing…” (P1, 43 y.o mother of a child with retinoblastoma stage IV and frontoparietal metastases)

“…Nurse E always gave me support and suggestions. She hugged me to strengthen and encourage me. Rachel House was so helpful. If I asked something, they will always give me answers and solutions…” (P5, 34 y.o. mother of a child with ALL)

“…I could only say that this was not an ordinary home-care, it’s extraordinary. I understood about palliative care because they told us, they engaged us in 4s, they respected us, listened to us. I thought this was one of the most needed skills from health care providers, to be willing to really listen to us, asking about our thoughts and feelings, validating and offering help. That’s the reason I thought Rachel House was extraordinary. Even after the first meeting, I could conclude that this palliative care was more than okay…” (P6, 36 y.o. mother of a child with rhabdomyosarcoma)