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Table 7 Description of the MUTUAL intervention according to TIDieR [34]

From: The development and feasibility study of Multidisciplinary Timely Undertaken Advance Care Planning conversations at the outpatient clinic: the MUTUAL intervention



Intervention component


Intervention activities, procedures and processes


Mode of delivery


The intervention provider(s) and participants


Resources/tools that support the intervention activities

1) Preparing for start of intervention

Engagement, selection and preparation of stakeholders

6 months prior to start

Selection research teama

The research team and trainers should be selected


The research team should include persons with experience within ACP, palliative care, conversational techniques, intensive care and implementation of interventions


6 months prior to start

Initiating ACP intervention

The research team should engage important stakeholders including nurses, physicians, supporting staff and management by discussing experiences within healthcare and consequences of absent goals of care when having to make a decision. Informing potential stakeholders of the goals and logistics of the intervention. Determining necessity and support for implementation of the intervention

In group meetings / staff meetings

1) Research team

2) Stakeholders


5 months prior to start

Selection of participating specialties and HCPs

Informing HCPs of the goal of the intervention, inviting HCPs to think about implementation of the intervention within their own specialty

Both individually and group meetings

1) Research team

2) HCPs from different specialities

Necessary competencies were listed by the research team with help of an educational expert and specialised nurse from the palliative care team

2) Components of the MUTUAL intervention


After all preparations for the intervention are finalised

1. Patient selection

Selecting, informing and inviting patients for an ACP conversation

Selection of patient using the surprise question at the outpatient clinic

1) Treating physician

Surprise question: “Would I be surprised if this patient were to die in the next 12 months?”

Training part 1 – before start of the intervention

Training part 2 – during the first two conversations

2a. HCP preparation

The first training part consists of two sessions of three hours consisting of different elements including

1) Definition, goals and importance of ACP

2)Background information on intensive care treatment and consequences

3) Training in conversational techniques

4) Logistics of the ACP intervention

The second part of the training consists of training on the job. An experienced facilitator joins the first two ACP conversations of the facilitating nurse, which are (de)briefed in a structured manner

Part 1 – in a group

Part 2 – individually

Part 1

1) Research team provides training

2) Participants: nurses, treating physicians and supporting staff

Part 2

1) Experienced facilitator

2) Facilitating nurse

Training material includes

1) Presentation on definition, goals and importance of ACP

2) Presentation on Intensive Care

3) The conversational manual and presentation on conversational techniques

After the patient has been informed and invited

2b. Patient preparation

The treating physician informs the patient about ACP and invites patient to an ACP conversation during an appointment at the outpatient clinic. The preparatory questionnaire and information folder are handed out by supporting staff


1) Treating physician

2) Patient and proxy

1) Information folder explaining goals of the conversation

2) Preparatory questionnaire for patient and proxies to prepare for the conversation. The questionnaire includes questions on the themes of the conversation concerning: understanding of illness, experience of health, quality of life, future and goals of care

Initiation and exploration

Scheduled 45’ appointment at outpatient clinic

3a. ACP conversation – part 1

Conversation exploring patient preferences and goals of care during a scheduled appointment at the outpatient clinic. First part takes approximately 45 min


1) Trained nurse facilitator

2) Patient and proxy

Conversation manual consisting of seven steps:

1) Introduction of topic

2) Quality of life

3) Goals of care

4) Scenarios

5) Representative

Scheduled 15’ appointment at outpatient clinic

3b. ACP conversation – part 2

Consecutive conversation exploring patient preferences and goals of care. Second part takes approximately 15 min and starts with a summary provided by the facilitating nurse


Multidisciplinary setting

1) Trained nurse facilitator

2) Treating physician

3) Patient and proxy/proxies

Conversational manual step:

6) Summary and conclusion


Directly after conversation

4a. Documentation for patient and general practitioner

The nurse documents the content of the conversation using the format within electronic healthcare system


1) Nurse documents patient preferences;

2) The patient receives letter

3) GP receives letter

Conversational manual step:

7) Documentation

Standardised letter consisting of several components:

A) Quality of life and future expectations

B) Preferences and goals of care

C) Social support

D) Conclusion

E) Representative

F) Treatment registration

Directly after conversation

4b. Documentation in health care system

The treating physician documents ADs using the registration for treatment limitations in the healthcare system


1) Treating physician

ADs in health care register

  1. ACP Advance Care Planning, MUTUAL Multidisciplinary Timely Undertaken Advance Care Planning, TIDieR Template for intervention, description and replication, ADs Advance directives, NA Not applicable
  2. aResearch team involved in this study consisted of an ethicist, intensivist, researcher and experienced nurses from the palliative care team